Abacus Learning Centre opened in 2008 when a group of parents and supporters shared an inspired vision to open one of Australia’s first centre-based early intervention services.
In the last 15 years, we have helped over 700 families access life-changing one-to-one therapy for their children. This is an intensive process using Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) that seems a lot like play for our students, who love Abacus.
When families find Abacus they often feel lost and in need of our help. They are always relieved to find someone who listens, often describing their first meeting with Abacus as a warm hug. We work hard to build a dedicated team to support each child. This includes our clinical team of Early Childhood Educators, Key Workers and Therapists who are overseen by an amazing senior clinical leadership group, including a registered BCBA practitioner.
We regularly have students start with us who aren’t able to communicate, but they leave Abacus happy, communicating and enjoying life.
Our mission is to continue helping autistic children connect, communicate and learn by providing therapy in their pivotal early learning years, where brain development is at a rapid pace and opportunities for learning are vast.
The work we do not only impacts the student but it enables many families see a future of work and community participation that they couldn’t imagine before. In fact, the majority of our students attend mainstream schools upon completion of our programs and need less supports across their lifetime.

Contact us today to learn more about how our programs can make a difference in your child’s life. Together, we’ll pave the way for a future filled with promise and achievement.

Abacus Learning Centre Ltd
215 High Street Hastings VIC 3915
Phone 03 5979 8891