YOU’LL NEED: WHAT TO DO: As published in Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2017
Browsing: Craft
noun de·cou·page \ˌdā-(ˌ)kü-ˈpäzh\ the art of decorating surfaces by applying cut-outs (as of paper) and then coating with usually several…
You’ll need: How to do it: TIP: Fold the paper in half and halve your cutting time by cutting through…
What You’ll Need: How to do it: Notes: *We tried using a ruler for one of our hands, drawing a…
You’ll need: How to do it: Time to go plastic-free shopping! First published in Peninsula Kids – Spring 2018
You’ll Need: Popsicle Sticks Paint Glue Decorations (googly eyes, glitter, pipe cleaners, pom poms) Yarn These ornaments were super easy…
Get crafty… enjoy your designs at Christmas or all year round! You’ll Need: What to do: 1. Start by gluing…
Are you going trick or treating with your kids, but are worried about annoying your neighbours? Do you want to…
Make spooky Halloween decorations! Items: Paper DoilyFoam BallStringWiggly EyesGlueScissors Time to make: approx. 7 minutes Put the foam ball in…
Make really spooky creepy crawly Halloween decorations! Items JarHessian SheetWood WoolLED LightLeather RopeSpider/Creepy CrawlyScissors Time to make: approx. 5 minutes…