ergoPouch was founded in 2009 by sleep-deprived mum Alina Sack. Alina was inspired to develop the first ergoPouch sleeping bag with her first son who was somewhat of a ‘challenged’ sleeper.
Desperate to help the entire family get a better night’s sleep, Alina got out her sewing machine and made him the very first ergoPouch sleeping bag. It worked. He could move around the cot without getting tangled and the bag kept him snug and sleeping peacefully at night.

Today, ergoPouch is a market-leading and award-winning premium sleepwear brand. The company’s products are now sold worldwide in countries such as New Zealand, USA, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, Korea, Canada and across Europe.
With a range spanning Newborns to 6-year-olds, their safe-sleep-approved sleepwear takes the guesswork out of what to dress a child in for sleep, whatever the temperature. Sleep (or lack of) in the first 6 years is difficult and full of challenges. ergoPouch empowers parents to feel confident in making safe-sleep decisions for their children and helps them navigate their way through the tougher phases of their sleep journey.
Phone: 1300 668 929