By Jono Castano

Looking after a new baby is amazingly rewarding, but it’s also challenging. It can be difficult to grab even five minutes for yourself, and sometimes date night seems out of the question. The pampering rituals and quick-fire exercises don’t need to become a pre-motherhood thing; here are several things new mothers can do to help themselves stay on track with their health, to keep motivated, confident, and most importantly, happy.
1. Let’s increase your step count
Once you get the clearance from your doctors to start exercising again, start by just walking. Don’t think you have to exercise for hours at a time; walking will get your body moving and burning a lot more calories than you might think. Once you’ve got a good rhythm, try increasing your steps weekly. You can make this a fun activity by bringing your baby with you or starting a community walk club for mums. Take it as it comes for the both of you.
2. Create a schedule
It’s time to invest in a wall calendar, day planner or app to keep yourself in check. We are only human and need all the help we can get to stay on top of a busy parent’s schedule. Day-to-day structure is vital and can be fixed by blocking out 30 minutes in the morning to do some yoga, exercise, or even plan the days ahead. Go at your own pace and listen to your body; everyone’s body is different and will bounce back at different times. Make sure you are not comparing your journey to others and truly take it at a comfortable pace.
3. Invest in your self
Bodies change, wardrobes change, and some mums feel their confidence comes back when they look in the mirror and see some aspects of who they were before. However, there are more ways of gaining back your confidence; balanced eating habits, self-care and working on those small things you’ve always wanted will boost your confidence and bring a huge smile back to you!
Research from SmileDirectClub found that almost half (45%) of Aussie adults would change something about their smile and immediately gain confidence by doing so. What’s more, the research also revealed one third (34%) of Aussie adults believe that if they were to have their teeth straightened it would inspire them to make more lifestyle changes. These can be inspired to have photos taken of themselves (20%), and they would go to more events and spend more time socially (12%). So be sure to take the time to find something and prioritise it so you can feel best about yourself.
4. Try something new
Strength and HIIT training are excellent for achieving one’s health goals. These workouts are time-efficient ways to burn a lot more calories in a shorter time, releasing endorphins in the process, which are great mood boosters to keep you confident and going. Try finding a gym that offers babysitting rooms to enjoy these classes!
5. Make time for rest
Remember to rest where you can. Having the motivation to exercise is directly linked to your energy levels, so make sure you’re resting as much as possible, so that your body refuels. A balanced diet with nutrient-dense foods is essential! Try listening to relaxation audio, yoga or even meditation; this is your journey, and you should make it an enjoyable, happy experience. Don’t forget to keep smiling throughout the process!
Jono Castano is a Celebrity Personal Trainer and a member of the SmileDirectClub Confidence Council.