- Mason jar with lid (you can find these in the reject shop, Kmart and some $2 shops)
- Paint in two colours (try and make sure you have one colour that is a fair bit lighter than the other)
- Paint brush
- Ribbon
- Black marker
- Gift tag or small piece of card
- Artificial flowers in mums favourite colours

Remove lid from jar and pour the main colour into the jar. Be generous as you need to have enough in there to cover the entire inside of the jar.

Put lid back on and shake shake shake until the entire inside is completely covered in paint. Tip – have a conversation with the child before you ask them to shake about what will happen if they drop the jar . . . we had a few near misses with overzealous shaking!
Remove lid and place jar upside down onto a scrap piece of paper to allow excess paint to drain. It will need to be left for at least half an hour, the more it is drained, the shorter dry time you will have.

Once it’s drained you can do your handprints. Paint both your child’s hands in desired colour. With you holding the jar by the top ask them to hold the jar on either side (don’t let go as their hands will be very slippery with the paint on them). Then ask them to let go. Handprints done!

Allow to dry. The total drying time will vary depending on the weather but to be on the safe side I would recommend at least 2 days for it to dry completely.
Tie a nice ribbon with a little gift card with a little mother’s day message around the top of the jar. Place your flowers in the jar and you are all done.
Thanks to Melissa from 2 Sisters Art Anarchy for sharing these great handmade Mother’s Day gift ideas. To read about the wonderful children’s craft parties that 2 Sisters Art Anarchy run, visit their website at