As the Christmas mental load reaches fever pitch, new research from Donut King sheds light on how and where Aussie Mums are ‘catching a break’ from silly season chaos.
If you’ve ever locked yourself in the bathroom, hid in a cupboard, or driven the long way home from work to soak up some “me time”, you’re not alone, with new research revealing the common
things Aussie mums are doing to catch a moment of reprieve from the perennial Christmas chaos.
The research, commissioned by Donut King – Home of the Hot Cinnamon Donut and the best place to
enjoy a sweet escape this Christmas – has found that the average Aussie mum spends almost an entire
week (155 hours to be exact) planning and prepping for Christmas – on top of their usual day jobs and
family responsibilities.
As a result, as the seasonal juggle kicks in and the mental load hits overdrive, more than half of mums
(54%) across the country admit to hiding from their kids – just for a second or ten!
Some of the go-to hiding spots include bedrooms, bathrooms and pantries, and all just to catch a little
break from the silly season stress. Heck, some of us are even taking refuge in the cubby house knowing it’s the last place our kids would look for us!
No stranger to turning parenting challenges into positive moments throughout their day is Ellidy Pullin, award-winning author, podcaster, mum and Donut King spokesperson, who comments that as a proud solo mum, her Christmas mental load does reach peak levels at this time of year.
“Just like all the other mums out there, I will admit that I have used the pantry, my bathtub and even the ocean to grab just a few minutes of alone time, and it certainly does work to catch your breath, pick yourself up and continue to put your best foot forward,” said Ellidy.
And with a whopping 92% of Aussie mums feeling ‘mentally overloaded’ at Christmas time, Ellidy is urging families to acknowledge and celebrate the mums behind the scenes who really deserve the credit.
“Perhaps I shouldn’t be admitting this, because I love that my daughter loves Christmas and I absolutely want it to be fun for her, but I also do remember a time when Christmas was less work, more…fun?
“Perhaps I have my mum to thank for that as she was always the driving force behind our special days and as a mum, I certainly see that now!”
And if you’re feeling the itch for a girl’s weekend away or night on the town you’re also not alone, as the Christmas mental load has led to one in five (20%) escaping the family for a night or weekend to regroup, or going on strike leaving their family to fend for themselves…but only for a moment or two.
And if that’s not possible, never underestimate the power of a little sweet indulgence.
With the research revealing close to one in five (18%) Aussie mums like to indulge in sweet treats to help escape the Christmas chaos, Ellidy also wants mums to know that Donut King has got them covered this festive season.
“If it’s all feeling a bit too much, simply take your gang to your local Donut King for a sweet escape and a moment of reprieve that the whole family can enjoy – especially mums!
“But if like me, you sometimes can’t handle the Christmas crowds, you’re also in luck as the newly
launched Donut King Occasions offer is your ultimate silly season go-to.
“With fast, reliable, and delicious donuts delivered anytime, anywhere, they are the perfect people and party pleaser, and can help bring some ease, convenience and FUN back into Christmas gifting and entertaining,” she adds.

For more information about Donut King please visit or for Donut King Occasions visit