4 ways to get more done … in less time! By Lisa Stephenson We live in a world where being ‘busy’ is rewarded, and having a full diary is linked with…
Author: admin
Bilingualism can be broken down into two subcategories – balanced bilingualism (complete fluency in both languages) and semilingualism – some deficiencies across both languages. Some parents are hesitant on teaching…
How to throw the best kids’ party Astrologer Patsy Bennett, author of Sun Sign Secrets (Rockpool Publishing $34.99), provides a guide to the perfect party for little ones based on…
Peninsula Kids magazine is a FREE quarterly publication with great articles, giveaways and more…Read the SPRING 2021 edition online here. If you’re on a mobile device CLICK HERE for enhanced viewing. If…
This competition has ended but feel free to download and colour our SUMMER 2021/22 COLOURING COMPETITION PAGE – just for fun! Congratulations Ralph-James (1st prize) and Olivia (runner up) You…
Readily known for their luxury hot sauce with a unique blend of black truffles and spice, TRUFF officially launch their highly anticipated pasta sauces. Building on that distinct flavour profile, and expanding…
Woolworths is a proud supporter of local Mornington Peninsula suppliers like Mornington Peninsula Eggs. Peter Kambouris and his family from Mornington Peninsula Eggs have been producing premium free range eggs, with no antibiotics or…
Woolworths is a proud supporter of local Mornington Peninsula suppliers like Pure Peninsula Honey. Pure Peninsula Honey’s apiarist John Winkels has been producing honey for more than 25 years. After…
By Susie Burrell Prep Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes | Serves: 35 Ingredients ½ cup Mayver’s Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter3 tbsp. of butter½ cup caster sugar (or sugar alternative)¼ cup…
By Sam Wood Prep time: 30 minutes | Cook time: 25 Minutes | Serves: 35 Muffin Ingredients 2 cups wholemeal spelt flour1/2 cup coconut sugar1 tbsp baking powder1/2 tsp ground…