And surviving to tell the tale! By: YVETTE O’DOWD My granddaughter recently turned three. I spent several months saying I wasn’t sure if I could face three again. My daughter…
Author: admin
By: REBECCA BOWYER I’m calling it. I am absolutely tired of being told what to feed my children. Sugar is poison. Fresh fruit and vegetables are essential. But not too…
By: ROSS TAYLOR A family trip to the snow is a wonderful experience for children. It really is a magical world in the mountains when snow is all around, there are…
Sovereign Hill – Winter Wonderlights 2016 Family Pass giveaway Valid between Saturday 25th June & Sunday 24th July 2016 Running from Saturday 25 June – Sunday 24 July, Sovereign Hill will once again be staging…
YOU’LL NEED: Yarn (different colours, different lengths depending on the style of bowl you’re going for!).PVA glue – we used 250mls to get medium and two small bowls done.WaterCling filmBowls…
BY: BECCI NICHOLLS Sometimes we get into a routine of saying ‘No’ to our children, not out of being a bad parent but just because we condition ourselves into having…
Have you seen the latest edition of Peninsula Kids magazine? It’s filled with great giveaways that you can win just by entering here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you seen the latest edition of Peninsula Kids magazine? It’s filled with great giveaways that you can win just by entering here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you seen the latest edition of Peninsula Kids magazine? It’s filled with great giveaways that you can win just by entering here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have you seen the latest edition of Peninsula Kids magazine? It’s filled with great giveaways that you can win just by entering here: a Rafflecopter giveaway